Sunday, February 15, 2009

Billu Barbar Review / Comments

I saw the new movie so called 'Billu' today.

Well the movie had a concept and story line, but it was not enough to keep the Indian audience occupied.

I will not blame the story writer here, but would like to blame the producer.

We need to change the concept of having a 3hrs long movie for it to be sold.

Our producers want to promote/achieve a lot more from a movie then just passing its message successfully.

Passing a simple story down, if done with a forceful 3hrs, would comply his to put in unnecessary song and scenes which will just make the movie a drag.

Today we (Bollywood) have matured enough to create and showcase good concepts, but unlike Hollywood which remains to the topic and closes the show to the point within 2hrs.

Keeping our movies to a short length with make our movies substantial and power packed to the effect of it to stay in peoples mind.

Today many still see movies just for the glam and not carrying out any message from it, whereas the same is not true for many others.

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